Coaching Services
Individual Coaching
Personalized Guidance
When we work with soloprenuers, we focus on defining your strengths so that we can fully leverage them toward your success. We also identify your blindspots and work on ways to work through them so that they don't impede your progress.
Growth Minded Leaders
Team Assessment
Many times leaders are frustrated trying to answer questions like: "Why aren't we hitting our growth goals"?, or "Why aren't my sales people achieving their quota"?. Our approach is to leverage team diagnostics to uncover the dysfunction that is affecting performance.
Team Building
Hire for Impact
When soloprenuers start to scale their business, we work on defining your expectations of the role and assess candidates against that profile. When we put the right people in the right roles, leaders realize exponential growth.
Improve Team Performance
Team Diagnostic
When companies are going through change, we leverage our team diagnostic as a way to realign people to the purpose and enable them to make new contributions towards the evolving needs of the business.
Speaking Engagements
The Power of People
Helping businesses, networking groups, Chambers of Commerce understand the power of people and empowering them to be better leaders in order to be more successful in growing their business.